Barre Fitness
In just 30 minutes you will achieve a full-body workout concentrating on the areas women struggle with the most: hips, thighs, seat, abdominals and arms. The Barre technique is low-impact, protecting your joints by avoiding any bouncing or jumping. Each strength section of the workout is followed by a stretching section in order to create long, lean muscles without bulk. The technique works to defy gravity by tapering everything in and lifting it up!
Each class is designed to be effective for people at all levels of experience and fitness. The positions and movements are basic - it's how deep you work in them that makes the difference. We are constantly changing our music and moves to keep each class fresh and challenging.
The concentration involved while taking Barre Fitness allows you to block "life" out for the hour, creating the mental benefits similarly obtained by the practice of yoga or meditation. A transformed body and a clear head in just one hour—it doesn't get much better than this.

Breaking Down the Barre
If you are a new Barre client looking to deepen your understanding of the technique, this class is for you. We provide the tools you need to take your Barre workout to a deeper level

Intensive: Fab Abs
This 30 minute workout offers the Barre total body workout, but with additional intense abdominal work to burn away fat and leave you with toned, sculpted, sexy abs.

Intensive: Bye Bye Inner/Outer Thighs
This 60 minute workout offers the Barre total body workout, but with additional intense seat work to taper in that stubborn outer thigh area and tighten up the waist