Girl Scout Badges
Calling all Girl Scouts!!! Come learn a fun dance, enhance your inner theatre child and let loose in our tumble class, as we host a day all about you! What a fun way to recieve three of your badges!!! Troupe leaders call or email us today to book your scouts event to earn more badges today.
772.224.6645 or dance4lifeacademy@gmail.com
My Plate Healthy Living Badges :
Daisys, Brownies, Junior, Cadette
Two teaching artists will transform into different characters to teach your troop about a healthy, balanced lifestyle: with foods from “My Plate” and a steady regimen of exercise. A lively session of games, music, and dance, this is one of D4L most popular workshops with Girl Scout Troops!
Page to Stage Performance Badge :
Daisys, Brownies, Junior, Cadette, Senior, Ambassador
Have you ever wanted to bring a story to life? With help from a D4l teaching artist, your troop can take a simple story of your choosing from the page and translate it to a show! This one-session workshop equips students with the Tools of an Actor, unlocking their imaginations.
A Class Act Creative Play/Manners Badges :
Daisys, Brownies, Junior, Cadette
Through improvisation and acting exercises, D4L teaching artist will direct your troop in proper expression and behavior. The traits of a good performer are also the traits of good people: listening, patience, clear communication, empathy, and so on. This fun session will be a great starting point to raising
standards of etiquette and manners, as well.
Once Upon A Time Storytelling Badge :
Daisys, Brownies, Junior, Cadette
A D4L teaching artist will guide your troop into the world of fairy tales, specifically using a Native American legend that is strangely similar to another well-known fairy tale. By looking at the cross-cultural
connections, we learn about universal human themes that are found in many fairy tales. By the end, your troupe will be creating their own fairy tales and performing them for each other!
Tumble and Flexibility fair play badge! Girl Scouts have the opportunity to learn acrobatics and tumbling, all while earning their Fair Play Badge! Girls will be head over heels for this energy-filled program. Girl Scouts will fulfill all components of the Fair Play Badge.
All participants will receive a Dance 4 Life Academy badge.
We can provide your official correlating Girl Scout Badges at the end of each Workshop. 30 days notice required
Fee for each workshop is $25 per scout.
Dancer Badge Program includes:
• Step 1: Warm up with a cardio routine that incorporates walking, running, jumping, skipping,
hopping, leaping, sliding, bending, lifting, rolling, twisting, and turning.
• Stretching and partner/small group work, using the body to make the shapes of alphabet letters.
• Step 2: A short video presentation with examples of traditional cultural dances from around the world. Students will take part in a practical demonstration and learn of some fundamental movements and concepts from these dance forms.
• Structured group improvisation exercises that teach groups of dancers how to communicate movements to one another without words.
• Step 3: Proper posture and carriage while standing and walking. Practice of curtsey and deep curtsey.
• Step 4: Performance tips, stage directions and dance composition principles. These are all tools that will assist Girl Scouts in creating their own original dances. This portion of class
will cover the concept of “motif and development”, angular and curved lines, asymmetrical and symmetrical shapes, floor pathways, musicality, and using dance as a medium of
communication/story telling. Brownie Girl Scouts will be given the tools to create their own original 3-minute dances.
• Step 5: Brownie Girl Scouts will finish creating their original 3-minute choreography on their own time and can present their finished work at their next troop meeting in order to complete their badge. Girl Scout troops have the additional option of scheduling an informal recital at Dance 4 Life Academy in order for participants to experience
the trill of presenting their own original dances in a performance setting for
their families and friends.
Girl Scout Recital Information
This program is 2 hours in total and encompasses steps 1-4. We are available to meet with Girl Scouts on weekends. We recommend booking your time slot at least 30 days in advance.
Students should wear comfortable pants that allow them to stretch, and a t-shirt that is somewhat form fitting. Hair should be pulled back off of the face. Students may want a sweatshirt for warm up and cool
down. No dance shoes required. Students may be barefoot, or they may wear ballet shoes, socks ortennis shoes if they prefer. Please bring plenty of water to drink. Light snacks such as a fruit may be eaten in the studio lobby only. No chewing gum is allowed anywhere in the studio.
Adult Girl Scout leaders and parents are welcome to participate at no extra charge.
(Step 5) Dance 4 Life Academy is available to rent as a performance venue to present the Girl Scout’s finished dances.
We provide chairs for friends and family, and an area to set up refreshments in our
lobby. We provide a dressing room area to the performing Girl Scouts, as well as our sound system, and lights. Our beautiful dance floor will serve as the stage.
This package includes a set of printed programs that lists the performers, and a digital CD with photos to commemorate the experience.
Girl Scout troops have access to the space for 2 ½ hours, which includes set-up and cleanup time. This is a great opportunity for participants to build courage, confidence and character.
Cost: $250.00